Irgendwo, außen am Rand, geht die Nacht
Zurück, und die Wellen der Dunkelheit
Beginnen die Küste des Morgens sacht zu erhellen.
Das schwere Dunkel fällt auf die Erde herab,
Und befreit tobt die Luft von besinnungslosem Licht,
Das Herz füllt sich mit frischem, hellem Atem,
Und der Sinn schickt sich an, Farbigkeit zu gebären.
John O` Donohue „Echo der Seele
There have been a large number of enquiries about the location of John's funeral service and about his gravesite. The church where John's funeral took place is in Fanore, about 12 miles from Ballyvaughan on the coast road south. During winter months it is likely only to be open at weekends for Mass.
John is buried in Creggagh graveyard, about two miles further south along the coast road, just beyond O'Donoghue's pub on the left hand side of the road.
All of John's friends hope that respect will be shown to the grave site and to the environment that John loved so well.
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